That's right! We are FINALLY pregnant! After three years of trying, I decided I was going to take 2009 off. I wasn't going to try. I wasn't going to worry about it. And then last month I tuned up pregnant!
These digital pregnancy tests are awesome! None of this, is that line? Is it a dark enough line? Just point blank "pregnant".
I've spent the past few weeks feeling crappy. In fact, I still feel kind of crappy today, but I'm avoiding the couch, because that's pretty much all I do on weekends. Sleep and eat. Thank goodness, I have to go to work everyday, otherwise, I'd be a total vegetable.
Lil' Kay is very excited about the baby. As long as it turns out to be a girl. He said, "Can I name the baby? I've never named a baby before."
His suggestion? Sally Rebecca. And if it's a boy, he says Daddy can name it. Once we told him he couldn't name his brother "Dorkhead", he lost interest. He really wants a sister.
So, I'm about 11 weeks along. Our first doctor's appointment is on Thursday. I'm totally making him check for twins. I've been eating like nobody's busines, and my tummy is already poking out a bit. What the heck?? With Lil' Kay I didn't show for about four or five months. And, with him I didn't really understand why pregnant women complained so much. I had a very easy pregnancy. This one is shaping up to be totally different!
The difference in the pregnancies could prove promising for a girl. Not to get Lil's hopes up. But you do always start to show earlier with 2nd and 3rd babies. Congrats!!
Wow so nice to hear that you are pregnant! My many congrats to you and your familiy!!!
Congratualtions! Blogging about your pregnancy will be a beautiful gift for you little one later on!
Hope you energy returns soon!
WOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Congratulations :) For Little K's sake I hope it's a girl. That's so nice that he wants a sister to take care of when she is born and he gets older. Not too sure what she will think when she gets older and has a "big brother" to have to follow around. HAHAHAHA
How exciting, congratulations!
congratulations!! that's the best post i've read all day!!
Good to hear the happy news! Congratulations :)
I'm sooooo excited for you and your family Becky!!!!
Why don't you tell me about these things, lol.
very delayed- but congrats to you!! so exciting :) babies bring so much joy.
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