I've recently discovered that I am totally in love with vintage sewing machines. Unfortunately, sewing machines are kind of a large item to collect! So, I've begun a collection of vintage toy machines. Mr. Kay collects tin toys, so these little machines fit in quite nicely with that collection, too. I have my machine from when I was a girl, and I've been keeping my eye out for others to add to my home.
A few weeks ago, Mr. Kay and I were browsing in a local antique store, and I ran across this little cutie. I ended up paying about $10 for her. She's missing her hand crank, and I haven't tried putting batteries in, but it doesn't matter if she works or not! I love her!
You make me want to --no, need to!-- get my very small toy sewing machine collection out of storage. Not 'very small machines' but 'very small collection of machines' - I think there are four. I've actually used one similar to yours here to mend several articles of clothing and make a few cat toys. Fun! : )