Monday, January 4, 2010

Project 365

I've decided to try this crazy Project 365 photo thing that all the kids are doing these days. I'm going to take and upload a photo for everyday of the year. These are my first three. And, guess what! I've already cheated! That second photo of the clock was taken by Mr Kay. But it was on MY camera!
If you're interested in seeing how my project goes, here's a link to My 365 Set. I've also joined this flickr group. They seem pretty laid back without all the scary rules and what not. You know, if I fail, I won't be kicked out or whatever!
I don't really have any big reason or master overall plan to why or how I am going to do this. No theme, just whatever catches my attention. I'm more curious to see how the project evolves on its own. Will my photography improve? Will a theme appear? Will I get past this week? I'm not very good at doing the same thing every single day. Heck, Brushing my teeth daily is a challenge. I kid. I kid.


  1. Hey there! Thankyou so much for your sweet comment, im glad you liked it :o)

    I was just over at the 365 flickR Group yesterday - i hope it goes well, keep it up! (^_^)

    p.s - that is a Cuuute dinosaur!!
