Tuesday, September 23, 2008

But what are they FOR??

On my way to work this morning, I spotted this banner, and I simply had to stop on my way home and snap a picture. It gave me this lovely mental image of plastic baggies full of, well, nail clippings. But what you use them for? Are they good for mulch? Crafting? I'm not really sure...

Okay, so it was a sign on a pet groomer's building. It's the plural that is the root of the confusion.


  1. Too funny.....and I was thinkng... WHAT...Gross....LOL

  2. LOL! That got my attention -- I had the same visual -- eeewww!

    Maybe adding the words PET to the sign would have helped? :)

  3. Oh, that is hilarious!

    By the way, I love that is is fall and time to use the bag my sister got from you for my birthday!! I actually saw a scrabble tile necklace with the same exact print and thought it would be so cute together.

    Great blog!

  4. lol wow. I want to know too. I saw this sculpture of a rattle snake made out of thousands of fake acrylic nails.

  5. Eeewwww! That gave me a mental image I'll have to work hard to get rid of ;)...maybe they'll put more thought into their next promotional banner!

  6. That's what nightmares are made of, bags of nail clippings.


    (Other than that, nice blog!)
